Graham Slee

Our products are designed to give you the best listening pleasure available. Better than all the rest at, and beyond their price points. This is our mission, a mission started by Graham Slee, and one that continues to push at the scientific boundaries of the art.

Only you can judge for yourself if we have achieved our goal: it is not to give you a specification to boast about, or a fashion statement to show your friends. It is to let you experience the ultimate in pure music reproduction – music reproduced in all its glory – music as those who record it hear it.

Sistemas de sonido de alta fidelidad y amplificadores

grandes marcas de. sistemas de audio hifi

audio hifi

Gram Amp 2 Communicator
Pre de Phono MM
Gram Amp 2 SE
Pre de Phono MM
Gram Amp 3 Fanfare
Pre de Phono MC
Reflex M
Pre de Phono MM
Reflex C
Pre de Phono MC
Accession MM
Pre de Phono MM
Accession MC
Pre de Phono MC